Category Archives: Content Marketing

How to Promote Your Old Content

How to Promote Your Old Content

So you’ve published an awesome piece of content. You’ve slaved away for hours and hours making sure that it is of value to your readers. And most of all you’ve written tons…way over 2000 words. Whey! You can’t wait to hit the publish button and watch the traffic swarm in. Then you wait. And wait […]

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Kudani Introduces Customized Post Templates

Kudani Introduces Customized Post Templates

Ever get frustrated with the limitations of the WordPress editor? Do you wish you could have more control over design and layout? What if you could fully customize every aspect of how your post looks? Well now you can. We are extremely excited to announce the inclusion of post templates. With post templates you can […]

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10 Steps to Catapult Your Online Business with Content Marketing

10 Steps to Catapult Your Online Business with Content Marketing

Ready to take your business to the next level? By now, I’m sure the term content marketing has come your way. Maybe you thought it was just a fad or a passing buzzword. Maybe you thought you would get by without it. Well if this sounds like you then you may want to rethink your […]

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Eight Strategies to the Perfect Blog Post

Eight Strategies to the Perfect Blog Post

Ever wonder why some blog posts get all the traffic and engagement? Is there a secret formula or are they just lucky? Well possibly a little bit of both. But certainly there are some great guidelines and practices for creating a perfect blog post. Here are 8 strategies that have proven to deliver results, increase […]

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Instantly Generate More Traffic With These 5 Uncommon Content Marketing Tactics

Instantly Generate More Traffic With These 5 Uncommon Content Marketing Tactics

When it comes to content marketing your primary goal is to provide quality information for people. Create value. Give people what they need. The mission seems clear, but finding ways to do that can often be challenging. Especially, when it feels like it’s all been done before. How do you stand out in a crowded […]

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The 7 Fundamentals Of Content Marketing Essential For Every Marketer

The 7 Fundamentals Of Content Marketing Essential For Every Marketer

Content marketing is great, but it certainly does not come without its challenges. Having to produce mounds of content, then making sure that it gets in front of people to generate traffic, leads, and ultimately conversions is not an easy task. Content marketing takes time and it can be very expensive with some uncertainty about […]

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