Publish World Class Content Effortlessly

Watch The Kudani Demo Video

  • Fast Content Creation

    Easy to Use Content Curation & Distribution

  • Publishing Calendars

    Your Content Scheduling With Drag and Drop Updates

  • Workflow Management

    Assign Tasks and Manage Teams

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Here's What People Are Saying

The support from Kudani is superb. It's fast and easy to access which is a big plus for me. It tells me that they have complete confidence in their product. Would I recommend Kudani and their service? Absolutely. The features such as rating the number of people who have already shared the content is invaluable. I have been able to create awesome posts for my clients and I'm looking forward to expanding my client base using this excellent software. Kudani is now one of the key elements in my marketing arsenal for my business and my clients.

Alan Cox - Show & Tell Marketing

I have been delighted to be a part of the team that has helped to test KudaniCloud and as an editor of several news and magazine sources, I can see the benefits of this amazing program in terms of time, professional curation and brand. Not to mention the benefits of being able to manage a large editorial team. KudaniCloud is the next thing in Content Marketing and is a must have for your Content Marketing needs.

Jock Brocas - Online Marketing Guy